Monday, April 6, 2009

It's been awhile

I'm baaackkkk! Not too much to say because I am tired. Lot's of stuff keeping me busy these days. This time of year drains me,,,too much basketball and not enough sleep. Just one more night.

I cannot wait for the big game tomorrow. UCONN will not be denied. They're a team on a mission.

I'm one week into my internet marketing class and am thoroughly enjoying it. I enrolled in an online certificate program through the University of San Francisco. It's definitely an adjustment, listening to lectures at night but I'm getting used to it. I've three eight week courses so I should be done by the end of September.

1/2 marathon training is chugging along. I'm 5 weeks into it and so far it hasn't been too taxing.
Only 14 more weeks to go!!!

I've given up on tri training. My plan was to train for the women's tri in Philly but I've rotator cuff issues....sigh. I'm not quite sure how it happened but the pain was enough to send me to the doctors, a place I very seldom frequent. To top it off, I'm going to physical therapy twice a week.
So that's my sob story.....I'm just happy it's my left shoulder so I can still bowl.

Speaking of bowling, we've managed to go from 1st place last year to ,,um,, I think 12th place. We're having our struggles but it's all in good fun.